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Зеленый хаки - Трусики-бикини

Всего отзывов, 7

Product Code: D69-067

Описание товара

Основная часть: 85% нейлон, 15% эластан. Подкладка: 92% полиэстер, 8% эластан. Items with the curve logo are available in sizes 18 and above., This fabric complies with BS EN 13758 - 1, providing protection against solar ultraviolet radiation. It has been independently tested and given a UPF rating of 50+ which blocks more than 97.5% of UV rays. Important Advice: • Sun exposure causes skin damage • Only covered areas are protected • Always use a high protection factor sunscreen on any exposed areas of skin • The protection offered by this fabric may be reduced with use or if stretched or wet • Always rinse in fresh water after each use • Fabric provides UVA +UVB protection from the sun.

Основная часть: 85% нейлон, 15% эластан. Подкладка: 92% полиэстер, 8% эластан.

Товары с логотипом Curve доступны в размерах 18 и выше.

Товары с логотипом Curve доступны в размерах 18 и выше.

Эта ткань соответствует BS EN 13758 - 1, providing protection against solar ultraviolet radiation. It has been independently tested and given a UPF rating of 50+ which blocks more than 97.5% of UV rays. Important Advice: • Sun exposure causes skin damage • Only covered areas are protected • Always use a high protection factor sunscreen on any exposed areas of skin • The protection offered by this fabric may be reduced with use or if stretched or wet • Always rinse in fresh water after each use • Fabric provides UVA +UVB protection from the sun.

Эта ткань соответствует BS EN 13758 - 1, providing protection against solar ultraviolet radiation. It has been independently tested and given a UPF rating of 50+ which blocks more than 97.5% of UV rays. Important Advice: • Sun exposure causes skin damage • Only covered areas are protected • Always use a high protection factor sunscreen on any exposed areas of skin • The protection offered by this fabric may be reduced with use or if stretched or wet • Always rinse in fresh water after each use • Fabric provides UVA +UVB protection from the sun.